PK Subban featured in Jackass movie: “Jackass Forever”
Detroit Free Press  

PK Subban featured in Jackass movie: “Jackass Forever”

“Hi, I'm P.K. Subban, welcome to Jackass.”



New Jersey Devils defenseman evidently took a break from slew-footing opponents across the NHL to feature in the latest Jackass movie: Jackass Forever.

The fourth and likely final Jackass movie hits theatres tomorrow and it will feature Subban blasting slap shots at the crotch of cast member Danger Ehren. 

From a review from the Detroit Free Press:

... Danger Ehren — the individual MVP of this production for the amount of agony he's put through — tests out a protective cup by having hockey pucks shot at his crotch by professional hockey player P. K. Subban, or when Steve-O and guest star Machine Gun Kelly race on a pair of poolside stationary bikes, trying to not get knocked off by a giant swinging hand.  

Detroit Free Press

Hey... if that's you're thing then by all means have at it. 

Maybe I'm a bit pollyanna but I'm not really into watching people writhe in pain for entertainment. 

Then again, this might be the most entertaining thing that Subban has been involved in since his days with the Nashville Predators... 

More from director Jeff Tremaine:

P. K. Subban was so psyched to be there. On the side, right as we were getting ready to do it, P.K. was like, Do you want me to hit him, first try? I didn’t believe him. I said, No! He’s like, OK, well where do you want me to hit him? And I’m like, [motions to face], because Ehren had a helmet and mask on.

The very first shot… perfect. I don’t know how he did it but just dead-eyed hit Ehren right between the eyes, rattled him, knocked him down and maybe out for a second. The velocity of the puck hitting his face, you can see it concuss all the way down his body on the Phantom camera in slo-mo.

We got the miss we wanted. The second one, it was just above the cup, kind of got him in the stomach, where he was pretty sufficiently padded. That hit him pretty hard, but he was OK.

And then the next shot was dead on nuts.

I believe he chose this aluminum cup, and there’s a perfect dent right where it hit. He chose well on that one.

As we were editing it, each one of the clips stood alone by themselves. So at one point, I had them cut each individually and was trying to make a series of runners throughout the movie: test one, and then test two later and test three even later. But it really paced up once we put it all together and added music. It worked best being a montage of all the bits together.

Jeff Tremaine
Source: Detroit Free Press