
P.K. Subban sounds off on Connor Bedard's “Michigan” goal

Sounds like P.K. would follow the old-school hockey code!



The acrobatic lacrosse-style goal that was scored by Michigan Wolverines forward Mike Legg in 1997 remains one of the more iconic hockey highlights to have ever been produced, and we've been treated to a handful of instances in the National Hockey League of later of players pulling off the same move.

Anaheim Ducks forward Trevor Zegras has now pulled it off twice in his young career, while Chicago Blackhawks phenom forward Connor Bedard also did so.

A prevailing thought on many a fan's mind was what the reaction would be by old school players had they been on the ice at the same time as the current crop of players in the NHL, as it was almost an unwritten rule that you don't intentionally show up your opposition without having to face a steep physical retaliation. 

Former Norris Trophy winning defenseman Chris Pronger has already stated that there's no way he'd allow a player in today's NHL to score the "Michigan" goal and not have to physically answer for it, and now, P.K.Subban is speaking out. 

In the first place, Subban seemed to absolutely love the move that both Zegras and Bedard pulled off within hours of one another: 

"Trevor Zegras, Connor Bedard, absolutely disgusting. In that moment they expose not only the goaltender but all five players on the ice, embarrass them in front of 20,000 and millions of people watching from coast to coast," Subban exclaimed. "I think it's absolutely awesome."

But would Subban join Pronger in attempting to physically confront a player who pulled off the move while they were patrolling the ice? 

"Is this great for the game? Well, I don't know," Subban said. "I'm telling you something, if I was playing, I'd probably take a swing at em."

It sounds like Subban is a follower of the old-school hockey code! 

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