NHL team gets implicated in Mike Ribeiro’s trial  

NHL team gets implicated in Mike Ribeiro’s trial

The jury has begun deliberations in trial of ex-NHL player accused of sex assaults.



On Thursday, jury deliberations got underway in the case of former NHL forward Mike Ribeiro, who once played from the Dallas Stars and is charged with sexual assault in Franklin County.

In his closing arguments, Franklin County District Attorney Will Ramsay used the name of your of the defendant’s former teams to make a powerful case against him.

“It’s fitting that the last team he played for was the Nashville Predators,” Ramsay said during closing arguments. “You will let the world know that be may be retired from hockey, but he is still a predator.”

Ribeiro is charged with two counts of Sexual Assault and one count of attempted Sexual Assault. The assaults are alleged to have taken place on Lake Cypress Springs on June 23, 2021 and last week, the third woman accusing of Ribeiro of sexual assault took the stand to testify in the case. Ribeiro is accused of assaulting one woman on his boat, while the other two assaults are alleged to have taken place while Ribeiro was alone on a Waverunner jetski at different times with the two individual women.

Ribeiro has maintained his innocence and has opted for a jury trial, while his defense attorney’s have raised questions about the ulterior motives of the alleged victims as well as questions about whether or not the investigation of this case was properly handled by law enforcement.

Ribeiro has previously been accused of sexual assault in the past, a former nanny accused the NHL player of sexual assault back in 2015 with those allegations eventually resulting in a settlement between the involved parties.

“The person who will molest his nanny mere feet from his children while his wife is in the house will take what he wants without consent,” said Ramsay.

According to many reports, Ribeiro could land him in prison for up to 20 years.

Despite his 793 points in 1,074 career games with the Montreal Canadiens, Stars, Washington Capitals, Phoenix Coyotes and Predators, Ribeiro has mostly been known for getting into trouble with the law.

And this time, he could get locked up for long.

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