NHL suspends Flyers head coach John Tortorella.

NHL suspends Flyers head coach John Tortorella.

The National Hockey League has suspended Philadelphia Flyers head coach John Tortorella for his actions on Saturday night.

Jonathan Larivee

The National Hockey League has suspended Philadelphia Flyers head coach John Tortorella for his actions on Saturday night.

NHL insider Elliotte Friedman was the first to report the news, indicating that his sources were reporting Tortorella would be on the receiving end of a 2 game ban.

The NHL has since confirmed through their public relations department that Tortorella has indeed been suspended for 2 games and that, additionally, he will also receive a massive fine in the amount of $50,000.

NHL suspends Flyers head coach John Tortorella.

Tortorella made headlines on Saturday night whena confrontation that he had with veteran NHL referee Wes McCauley went viral on social media.

Although the suspension will no doubt hurt Tortorella, who is very committed to his team and his players, the fine is likely to be brushed off by the fiery head coach. Flyers boss Dan Hilferty has already come out and publicly supported John Tortorella, adding that he would cover any fines incurred by his head coach.