New details on Mitchell Miller's NHL contract.
Toledo Blade  

New details on Mitchell Miller's NHL contract.

The Mitchell Miller fiasco isn't over.

Jonathan Larivee

It has been nearly a week now since the Boston Bruins cut ties with highly controversial defenseman Mitchell Miller, and the controversy that they created when they signed the 20 year old to a National Hockey League contract appears to have died down considerably.

It is clear now that Miller will never get the chance to fulfill the contract that he signed with the Bruins a little over a week ago, but that doesn't mean that the Bruins will now get to simply brush their mistake under the rug. A pair of recent reports have indicated that the Bruins will be on the hook for significant dollars when it comes to Miller, and that might even be the best case scenario.

In a recent article for the New York Post, NHL insider Larry Brooks revealed his belief that Miller will be paid out his American Hockey League deal this season while he sits at home, a pretty good deal considering it comes with a salary of $82,500 for the year. That however will only be a drop in the bucket with Brooks indicating that he believes the Bruins will be forced to buyout Miller's deal next summer, a buyout that would earn Miller $516,615 on top of a guaranteed $285,000 in signing bonuses.

That report from Brooks was echoed on Saturday night by Sportsnet's Jeff Marek who, during the NHL broadcast of the game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Vancouver Canucks, made similar comments. Marek did include a caveat that a deal could be worked out between the Bruins, the NHL, and the National Hockey League Players Association, although he also admitted that a buyout was the more likely of the two scenarios.

"A couple of things are starting to emerge," began Marek on Saturday night.

"One the NHL, the Players Association, and the Miller camp could come to some type of understanding on what to do with the contract, how to terminate it and what the compensation would be. But as of earlier today I was told none of those conversations have happened yet."

"What might be more likely is Miller stays in the AHL, earns his AHL salary... and then in the offseason gets bought out at one third of the remaining two years on that contract... that would be the NHL contract not the AHL contract."

As a result, this will likely prove to not only be an embarrassing moment for the Bruins, but a costly one as well.