Mitch Marner chokes up when faced with tough questions.

Mitch Marner chokes up when faced with tough questions.

Toronto Maple Leafs star forward Mitch Marner gets emotional when faced with tough questions.

Jonathan Larivee

It seems the thought of what the future may hold is weighing heavily on the shoulders of Toronto Maple Leafs star forward Mitch Marner.

On Saturday night, following an ugly collapse from the Maple Leafs that led to a 7-4 victory for the Colorado Avalanche, Marner faced reporters for the first time since the National Hockey League's Trade Deadline had come and gone. Marner's name has come up in some truly earth shattering rumors surrounding the deadline so naturally the reporters who spoke to Marner following the game had several questions to ask on that topic.

Marner however not only did his best to shut down those questions and divert the topic away from the subject of his future with the Maple Leafs, but even got choked up and became emotional as he was pressed on the issue.

"I'm here to play hockey with this team," said Marner flatly after the first question. "That's all I can tell you, I want to be with this team I want to play with this team."

Marner continued to be pressed on the topic and made it clear that he had no interest in discussing his next contract in the media.

"Like I talk to you guys at the start of the year, I'm not gonna get into this," said Marner. "I'm here to play hockey, I'll let that happen with my agent and with the team, I'm here to play hockey and do my thing."

"I had a feeling that maybe something might happen but I'm here to play hockey with this team like I said and I'm focused with this team," said Marner growing visibly frustrated.

It was when Marner was asked whether or not he envisioned himself as a Maple Leaf next season that his tone shifted and he seemed no longer able to contain his emotions.

"Like I talked to you guys, I'm not gonna get into any of this contract stuff, I've been very grateful and I've loved my time being a Leaf," said Marner as his voice broke with emotion.

You can read into that what you will, but it seems clear that the weight of whatever is truly in Marner's mind on this topic is taking a toll on him.