Maple Leafs fanbase gets brutally called out during do or die Game 5

Maple Leafs fanbase gets brutally called out during do or die Game 5

What is wrong with fans attending the game at Scotiabank Arena?



The Toronto Maple Leafs’ season could come to an end tonight as they face the Florida Panthers in a do or die Game 5 of their second round series.

With the Panthers leading the series 3-1, it is now or never.

And the home fans have yet to prove they know what hangs in the balance. During the first period of the crucial contest, Maple Leafs writer Joseph Zita, who has attended most of the local games this season, noted what has been easy to see on TV. The Maple Leafs fans at the Scotiabank Arena need to cheer for their team differently. Zita bluntly called them out during Game 5:

“Maple Leaf crowds can get loud, but it’s a reactive crowd, not a proactive crowd.

They get loud from goals, hits, saves, fights, etc.

They need to start different type of chants more often like other crowds around the NHL.

Get involved in the game…”

Zita is right. Anywhere else in the league, fans are loud and proud at any moment in the game, they don’t need any specular play to remind themselves they are here to support the players.

Any part of the game is important, especially at this time of the year when tonight could be the last contest of the season in Toronto.

Elliotte Friedman did mention in the first intermission on Sportsnet that it was one of the louder crowds so far this season, but come on, it ain't enough.

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Source: Joseph Zita