Major update on Kevin Weekes' future in hockey media

Major update on Kevin Weekes' future in hockey media

Wow! Is he done with hockey!?

Trevor Connors

This just in, ESPN insider and analyst Kevin Weekes will officially hit the media free agent market this upcoming offseason.

In an article published by Sportico, Weekes confirmed that his two year contract with ESPN expires this offseason and that he'll be looking to expand outside of hockey and into other sports in his next contract.

From Sportico:

As far as his own on-air future is concerned, Weekes says he’s eager to expand his repertoire. “I’d like to weigh in on other sports,” he says. “I may be a hockey nerd, but I’m not one-dimensional; my sports knowledge kind of transcends that. Hockey’s my first love, but I would be open to expanding into areas, and platforms, beyond what I’ve been doing the past 15 years.”

Weekes goes on to say that he may shift his focus away from media to a consultancy firm that he and his wife Megan started earlier this year.

Again from Sportico:

Which isn’t to say that Weekes will spend his summer slacking. Last month, he and his wife Megan launched Speekes, a consultancy firm which he refers to as “the family business.” The startup essentially serves in an advisory capacity to clients who are looking to navigate the treacherous headwaters of the 21st century, providing counsel on everything from media strategy to communications both within the workplace and out into the global marketplace.

“We help brands, businesses and people be their best selves,” Weekes says. “This is such a wild landscape, and the proliferation of platforms and hot-button issues have made for a good deal of trepidation for a lot of people. To that end, we offer a whole suite of services, from media training to crisis management to executive coaching. And it’s been going gangbusters ever since we launched.”

All of this is to say that Weekes' future of covering the NHL on mass media seems kind of up in the air. I suspect that he'll receive offers to join a major broadcaster, but it doesn't sound like he's in any big rush to tie himself down. Personally, I've always been a Weekes fan but it also feels like he's been muzzled a bit by ESPN the past couple years. I'd be excited to see him get a bigger role with someone like TSN or Sportsnet up North.

Source: Sportico