“Life concern” for Filip Chytil in New York!
AP Photo/Noah K. Murray  

“Life concern” for Filip Chytil in New York!

This is scary news out of the Big Apple…



Early this month, New York Rangers forward Filip Chytil was placed on injured reserve with an upper-body injury. However reports have now emerged that things could be way more serious from the Czech player…

Podcaster Phil Kocher reported on Thursday that Chytil, who was eligible to come off IR and play on Sunday but didn’t, has “yet to take the ice since sustaining his [concussion].” He expressed his concern about Chytil’s health and even future in the NHL.

“…you have to be concerned [with] the history of concussions here. One source [told] me that … Chytil has had at least four concussions in his career, if not more. The more concussions you have … the more likely you are to sustain another…”

“This goes beyond hockey … this is a life concern. This time, it seem like it’s been really difficult for him to get back to the point where he’s comfortable getting back on the ice …

“It’s just not a good situation, even beyond the hockey stuff. I don’t think anybody knows when the next time we’re going to see him is. [Chytil’s] health has to be the #1 priority here. This is something to monitor and everybody should be concerned about right now.”

The suspected concussion is believed to have occured on Nov. 2nd in a game against the Carolina Hurricanes. Late in the second period, Chytil left the contest with the delayed effects of an early first-period collision that night with Jesper Fast, that probably probably resulted in the fourth concussion of his career.

Chytil is only 24 years old, but has been sidelined 10 different times in-season since 2018-19. And let’s not forget he was missing from training camp for two weeks with an unidentied upper-body injury.
Sound familiar?

His concussion history is scary and, the Rangers are clearly being careful with a potential return, but now the question rises : should he even be back playing?

It might be time for Chytil to evaluate what’s best for his future quality of life.

Chytil has six assists in 10 games this season. While fans would love to see him collect more, the focus needs to be on his health and his quality of life moving forward.

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