Kevin Bieksa calls BS on Zdeno Chara's Stanley Cup Final story.

Kevin Bieksa calls BS on Zdeno Chara's Stanley Cup Final story.

Bieksa isn't letting Chara get away with it.

Jonathan Larivee

Zdeno Chara, former captain of the Boston Bruins, made headlines this week when a story he shared about the 2011 Stanley Cup Final went viral, largely due to the fact that it painted members of the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks roster in a pretty poor light.

During his appearance Chara would claim that the Canucks were prematurely celebrating their victory ahead of Game 6 at TD Garden in Boston, going so far as to rehearse ahead of a pivotal game in the series.

"We saw players from Vancouver coming on the ice in the Garden and they were actually practicing how they would be lifting the Cup and handing off the Cup off to each other, said Chara on the On Games with Names podcast. "And we found out about these things and we said 'F*** this we are not going to allow this to happen' and it just fueled us."

That story gained a lot of traction but on Saturday night a former member of that 2010-2011 Vancouver Canucks roster, former National Hockey League defenseman Kevin Bieksa, used his platform on Hockey Night in Canada to respond to Chara's story.

"One of the dumbest things we've ever heard clearly," said Bieksa of Chara's comments.

"I don't think I have to spend a whole lot of time discrediting that this didn't happen because logistically it's impossible," added Bieksa. "You think about all the media that is there covering the Final... clearly somebody would have reported about that."

Bieksa didn't just stop at refuting the story from Chara however, the former Canuck went a step further and expressed his disappointment with the former captain of the Bruins.

"Even Chara walks it back a little bit with his comments from 'we saw them in the Garden' to 'we heard' to 'we believe we heard' so originally upset about it because it's a little bit of an attack on our character as a team and  our organization, and also our leadership group and you're talking about 3 first ballot Hall of Famers in the Sedins and Luongo," said Bieksa slamming Chara.

"To think that we would allow something like that to happen let alone participate in it is disappointing," said Bieksa. "Coming from a guy like Chara you would expect more.. that he wouldn't repeat a story like that, that's so insulting to us, without fact checking it or seeing it or witnessing it first hand.

"I think the main emotion I have right now is just disappointed in him."

Bieksa has now had his chance to share his side of the story, only time will tell if Chara himself will feel compelled to respond to this latest salvo from the former Canucks defenseman.