Josh Anderson receives multi-game suspension.

Josh Anderson receives multi-game suspension.

Anderson gets a couple games.

Jonathan Larivee

The Montreal Canadiens will have to make due without one of their core forwards for the next few games.

On Sunday, the National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety announced that Anderson would receive a 2 game suspension following a dangerous hit he delivered to Las Vegas Golden Knights defenseman Alex Pietrangelo on Saturday night.

There were some mitigating factors when it came to the hit, including the fact that Pietrangelo did change the position of his body prior to the hit, however the league felt that the adjustment on Pietrangelo was not enough to justify the infraction from Anderson.

The end result was Pietrangelo being driven into the boards in front of the Golden Knights bench in dangerous fashion, which was initially met with a 5 minute major and a game misconduct. It seems the league felt that a harsher punishment was warranted, and as a result Anderson will now have to sit out the next 2 games.