Jakub Kindl goes end to end for overtime winner

Jakub Kindl goes end to end for overtime winner

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The Maple Leafs may have tied it late, but Jakub Kindl made sure the Wings walked away with the two points.

He picked up the puck deep in his zone and basically skated a straight line all the way to the Toronto net where he fired it top shelf past James Reimer. It might not have been the most impressive end to end, but by the look on Kindl's face after he scored, he was still pretty surprise he did what he did.

The Wings took advantage of two major lapses by the Leafs to score their two goals. When a team gives you openings like that, you have to take them and Kindl definitely took advantage.

3 on 3 once again showed how much open ice there is out there and how quick a game can end.

Here is the goal, courtesy of