Jack Edwards trending online again after another unhinged showing

Jack Edwards trending online again after another unhinged showing

The longtime Bruins announcer is clearly IN ONE these days. Cheers, Jack!



In case you missed it this past weekend, longtime Boston Bruins broadcaster Jack Edwards was trending online after some very interesting calls during the Bruins' 4-3 OT win over the Carolina Hurricanes.

First up, Edwards was called, "high as hell" for this absolutely unhinged call that evoked scenes from The Joker:

And then there was this interesting interpretation of the Bruins' win:


You remember to wear your Bruins undies to the game there, Jack?

Well buckle up because old Jack is trending online again this evening due mostly to some lazy pronunciation and, honestly, some kind of slurred speech. Many Bruins fans have posted online wondering openly if Edwards is impaired.

I mean, just check it out:

Unfortunately I don't think that explains things... I think this is just the way that Edwards is when he's 100% sober.

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