Full lineups for tonight's clash between Leafs and Habs.

Full lineups for tonight's clash between Leafs and Habs.

Both the Maple Leafs and Canadiens have revealed their lineups for tonight's preseason game.

Jonathan Larivee

The Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Canadiens have battled it out over the course of their last few preseason games but tonight will be the final meeting between the two teams before the regular season officially gets underway.

It is perhaps for that reason that both teams will be featuring a number of their regulars tonight, with both sides looking to evaluate the preparation of their top stars coming into the 2023-24 National Hockey League season.

We already reported on the Maple Leafs lineup a little earlier today, but here are their line combinations from today's morning skate for those of you who missed that report:

The Canadiens also hinted at their lineup for this evening during their own morning skate, with the following line combinations being deployed by Canadiens head coach Martin St. Louis:

This looks a lot more like what we can expect to see during the regular season when these two teams will meet for games that will count in the standings, certainly more so than what we saw during the first two preseason matchups between these two squads.

The Canadiens and the Maple Leafs will have their first game, at least officially, on Wednesday October 11th which will be the second day of the NHL regular season.