Former Canadiens executive throws Carey Price’s wife Angela under the bus!

Former Canadiens executive throws Carey Price’s wife Angela under the bus!

He explained how Angela Price gave the Habs a hard time:



On Wednesday, former Montreal Canadiens employee, Paul Wilson, was interviewed by BPM Sports radio and made some stunning revelations about Carey Price and his wife Angela.

When talking about Price and his career in Montreal, Wilson stated that Angela often gave the team a hard time with what she was putting out there on social media for fans to see and speculate. This is translated from French:

“When it comes to Carey, with Angela, who is a very active woman on social media, sometimes, she gave us a hard time, in the sense of the things that she revealed,” Wilson explained.

“As an organization, you can’t control what the players say, you can guide them left and right, but they are the ones who make the final call. Moreover, you can’t tell wives how to respond. In Angela’s case, she is a very active person on social networks, she often took positions, which more or less suited us.”

On Tuesday, Price confirmed in a press conference that a a return to the NHL is not on the horizon for him and that he would accept for the Canadiens to trade his contract if the organization needed to do so.

Wilson is the former senior vice-president of communications with the Habs and his statement on BPM Sports has already fans reacting on social media.

Let’s see if Angela follows suit.

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Source: BPM Sports