Filip Hallander leaves on a stretcher after horrific looking injury.

Filip Hallander leaves on a stretcher after horrific looking injury.

A very scary situation.

Jonathan Larivee

Pittsburgh Penguins forward Filip Hallander has just suffered a horrifying looking injury and all I can do is hope that he is going to be ok.

On Friday night, Hallander suffered a very scary injury while representing the Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins in the American Hockey League after a puck battle in the final minute of the game went terribly wrong. It's hard to tell for sure because we've only got one camera angle of the play itself, but it appears as though Hallander may have been on the receiving end of a slew-foot before he took a nasty spill to the ice.

Regardless of what caused Hallander to fall to the ice, what we do know is that the fall itself did not look good at all. The 22 year old Penguins centerman appeared to take the full impact of the fall on his head and neck, with the full weight of his body coming down on his head, The end result was a sickening impact with the ice that left Hallander motionless on the frozen playing surface.

The young man would eventually be taken out on a stretcher and unfortunately we have not yet received an update on his condition. It doesn't look good though, and making things seem even more ominous is the fact that the game itself was cancelled in spite of the fact that there was just over a minute left to play in the contest.