Fans literally throw garbage at Ron MacLean following Game 1

Fans literally throw garbage at Ron MacLean following Game 1

A fitting tribute.



If you missed the wrap up of Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final last night, you missed a fitting tribute to longtime CBC broadcaster Ron MacLean. 

While MacLean was breaking down the Colorado Avalanche's OT victory over the Tampa Bay Lightning with the Sportsnet panel a fan threw literal garbage at him. Presumably the fan is tired of MacLean, as it seems the majority of Canadian hockey fans are now. 

Check it out:

Pretty fitting. Garbage for a guy who spews nothing but garbage each and every game.

You know what? Maybe that's a bit harsh, but the fact remains that I don't believe MacLean should be on the air anymore. After all, who does he appeal to? Certainly not younger fans and as a middle aged hockey fan myself I can tell you that he doesn't appeal to me and my demographic. His long winded rants are cringe inducing and well... let's not even get into the whole Ron MacLean and Don Cherry situation. Ron stabbed Grapes in the back and it's not even worth rehashing all of that drama. 

It's about time that CBC and Sportsnet did the right thing and replaced MacLean as the host of their hockey broadcasts. Personally, I thought David Amber did a tremendous job this past season. Bring him in full time and let's end the MacLean cringe-fest.

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