Elvis Merzlikins' wife goes off on fans on social media.

Elvis Merzlikins' wife goes off on fans on social media.


Jonathan Larivee

In our modern society the ever present reality of social media cannot be denied and unfortunately that can often come with a number of negative consequences.

On Saturday , the wife of National Hockey League goaltender took to social media to discuss some of the absolutely disgusting comments she has been receiving from fans this season, comments that go so far beyond any kind of reasonable criticism. In a lengthy post published through her Instagram, Merzlikins' wife would describe in great detail how she had received several threats that genuinely left her concerned for her well being.

Even more heinous than that however, she revealed that she no longer feels comfortable bringing her young child to the game due to concerns over his personal safety.

For the sake of preserving her message, here it is unedited and in full:

Okay guys that's enough... yesterday night I heard "you, your kid and your husband should die" "you and your husband are trash"...  while at the same time when he plays good it's "you guys are amazing" "we love you" " can we get a picture" touching my son, screaming his name (he's one year old, and thanks to all of this he will not be coming with me to games anymore to see his dad because honestly I'm scared of him being there. Good job)

Today I'm reading that I'm blocking fans and that my husband has mental issues...sorry that you need 5 minutes of fame but I didn't block you and if u think hard about why my husband did probably you will figure it out..." to every action there is a reaction remember that"

I have one thing to say. Enough with the trashing, enough with the pointing fingers, enough with the hoping something bad happens or wishing someone's death, quick reminder we had a tragedy happen last year so think about it twice before you say something.…..

Now or you are in it for the good and the bad or you're out. But most of all never touch our family and personal life again because what you see is 1/4 of whatever is going on, remember we decide what you see. What happens on ice should stay on ice and not be part of our personal life outside.

FYI my husband does not have mental issues. But keep trashing until you unleash a beast Happy Halloween to everyone

The post is an Instagram story so it won't be up forever, but at the time of this writing it was published 3 hours ago and can still be viewed on Instagram.

In the event it does get taken down, here is a screenshot of her post:

Elvis Merzlikins' wife goes off on fans on social media.