Elliotte Friedman sheds light on the Mike Babcock incident.

Elliotte Friedman sheds light on the Mike Babcock incident.

Elliotte Friedman took to the airwaves on Monday to shed light on the latest controversy in the National Hockey League.

Jonathan Larivee

The Mike Babcock controversy rocked the National Hockey League last week and despite Babcock's resignation from his position as head coach of the Columbus Blue Jackets on Sunday, it will unquestionably continue to make headlines as this week rolls on.

On Monday morning, NHL insider Elliotte Friedman took to the airwaves to shed light on the details he has been able to collect regarding the incident that led to Babcock's resignation and how it all played out over the course of the last week. Friedman began by revealing that it was last Tuesday night that things took a turn for the worse as far as Babcock is concerned.

"It was an absolute whirlwind," admitted Friedman on the 32 Thoughts Podcast.

"Initially both the team, the league and the players' association were satisfied by the comments from Boone Jenner and Johnny Gaudreau that there was nothing here... and I think it all changed on Tuesday night."

Perhaps the most interesting detail that came from Friedman during the podcast was the revelation that the complaints here may not have even come from players in Columbus.

"I heard there was a player who came forward, and I don't necessarily think it was a player on the Blue Jackets," said Friedman. "I don't think the complaints originated from Columbus, I think they were other players who were friends or new players on the Blue Jackets and they said 'Hey. This is something that we want to address and identify here.' That's kind of where it started."

It sounds like there was one incident in particular that was heavily focused on during the investigation into this matter, an incident in which Babcock allegedly invaded a players' privacy for several minutes outside of a team facility.

"There was one particular meeting that had everybody concerned," revealed Friedman. "It was a meeting that was not at a Columbus rink or a Columbus facility, it was in another location and it was a meeting where apparently Babcock had access to the phone for several minutes. I don't know what that means and I don't wanna guess, but the player didn't have their phone for several minutes while Babcock had it.

"And because it was a young player and it because it wasn't at the rink.... this was obviously a very big breach of privacy."

According to Friedman, although Babcock would eventually resign on Sunday, it sounds like the decision that Babcock had to go was made relatively early on in this process.

"There were people who told me on Thursday night that Babcock was going to have to step down," revealed Friedman.

As we all know Babcock is now gone, but it sounds like this story is still far from over.