Ducks name Radko Gudas as new team captain
Anaheim Ducks  

Ducks name Radko Gudas as new team captain

Uh... seriously? Yeesh...

Trevor Connors

This just in, the Anaheim Ducks have named Cam Fowl... wait... sorry, that's not right... the Anaheim Ducks have named Radko Gudas as team captain. 


Check it out:

“After taking time to assess our group over the last few seasons, Radko emerged as a natural leader who encompasses all of the qualities of a captain and the respect of his teammates, our staff and his peers,” said Ducks General Manager Pat Verbeek in a press release. “With a young group of players establishing themselves in the NHL, we felt it was necessary to have a veteran lead our team. Radko exemplifies what it means to be a professional, how to carry yourself on and off the ice and in the community, and be a mentor to our young group that will become the next leaders of the team.”

I've got to say, as much as I respect Gudas' play on the ice, I never envisioned him as an NHL captain. No offense to Mr. Gudas, but he doesn't strike me as a leadership type. The 34 year old Czech native has bounced around the NHL his entire career, never sticking in one locale for longer than a few seasons. He's never been part of a championship team and his stat line is pretty underwhelming. There's... there's just gotta be something I'm missing here.

The Ducks have been without a captain since long-time captain Ryan Getzlaf retired in 2022.

What's even more perplexing to me about this decision is that Cam Fowler, the Ducks' assistant captain the past five years, is a perfect candidate for the captaincy. Fowler has been a member of the Ducks for nearly 15 years now and has consistently put up points and been a leader for this team since his first NHL season back in 2010-11. I have to imagine that the Ducks don't see Fowler sticking around with the team past his current contract, although Gudas' deal expires in the same 2026 offseason. I wouldn't be surprised if Fowler is moved at some point this season, to be frank.

As for Gudas, he joins the likes of Getzlaf, Scott Niedermayer and Paul Kariya as Ducks captains. Again, no disrespect to Gudas but I don't feel like he's bound for the Hockey Hall of Fame like those other three gentlemen.

“I am honored to be named captain of the Anaheim Ducks and lead our team into an exciting era,” said Gudas in today's press release announcement. “The trust put in me by Pat, our management, coaches and my teammates is something I take with pride. Leadership is a shared quality amongst our team, and I look forward to representing the Ducks on the ice and also outside of the rink in the community.”

Thoughts, Ducks fans?

Source: Anaheim Ducks