Crosby takes out a player with an elbow to the head, no call on the play.
Come on NHL you have got to call that.
The National Hockey League has earned itself a bad reputation for ignoring cheap or dirty plays when they are committed by the star players in the league, and on Tuesday night we were given yet another example of this behavior.
Penguins captain and star forward Sidney Crosby took some liberties with New York Islander Frans Nielsen when he delivered a stiff elbow to Nielsen's head, and to make matters worse Crosby clearly followed through on the manoeuvre making it rather obvious he had delivered the elbow. Despite this there was no call on the play and the Islanders and Nielsen were left wondering where the hell the call was.
Now it's perfectly normal for league's to show preferential treatment to their top level players, the NBA does it, the NFL does it, all sports league's are guilty of it on some level, but when it comes to plays that can potentially cause injury the same universal standards should apply, regardless of the name on the back of your jersey. This is not the case with the NHL, a league that often tries to portray itself as being concerned with player safety, and it's disgraceful.
I hate Sidney Crosby with the passion of a thousand fires— connor (@ConIsles) March 16, 2016