Brandon Prust names NHL coach that told Brad Richards to “Go out and do drugs.”

Brandon Prust names NHL coach that told Brad Richards to “Go out and do drugs.”

Brandon Prust tells shares a wild story about his time playing alongside Brad Richards.

Jonathan Larivee

This is certainly one of the wildest tales that I have come across during the offseason, and it comes courtesy of former National Hockey League forward Brandon Prust.

Recently, Prust appeared as a guest on the Missin Curfew podcast and it would be during that appearance that he dropped a crazy, and quite frankly hilarious, story about his time with the New York Rangers.

Prust was asked about what it was like to play under the leadership of fiery head coach John Tortorella, and it would be during his answer that he shared a crazy story about Tortorella and former Rangers teammate Brad Richards. Prust began by giving some context, indicating that both Richards and the Rangers were in a slump at the time.

"I remember when Richy first got to New York and it was his fear... we became good buddies," began Prust. "Richy started off a little slow and we started off a little slow and Torts just being Torts probably didn't sleep if we were losing."

Where things got crazy however was when it came to Tortorella's plan to remedy the situation.

"So we're out after the game one night and Torts must of called Richy on the way home and Richy comes in and he goes 'Torts just called me, he told me to do drugs and stuff,'" said Prust with a laugh. "Torts was like 'Richy I don't know what's wrong with you but go out, get f***ed up, do drugs or something.'"

Prust added that he believes Torts made those comments to Richards specifically knowing that the veteran forward wasn't likely to act on the offer.

"I think cause he knew Richy wouldn't actually do it," said Prust bursting with laughter.

You can check out Prust's story in the short clip below: