Brad Marchand and Jon Cooper roast Wayne Gretzky to his face.

Brad Marchand and Jon Cooper roast Wayne Gretzky to his face.

Jon Cooper uses a a joke given to him by Brad Marchand right in front of The Great One himself.

Jonathan Larivee

On some level it has to be a little difficult to be a player in the National Hockey League striving for greatness when the bar has already been set so high in the sport by the unbelievable phenom known as The Great One.

The reality for just about every player that sets skates on the ice in the NHL is that they will never be able to match the records established by Gretzky in his career or match the accolades he received along the way. That's why when a player achieves something that even Wayne Gretzky himself has never accomplished, it can be seen as a pretty big deal.

Tampa Bay Lightning head coach Jon Cooper revealed as much last night when he was a guest on the TNT broadcast as a member of the panel, and it would be during that appearance that Cooper would take a hilarious shot at fellow panelist Wayne Gretzky. Cooper was named Mr. TNT by the voting members of the TNT broadcast roughly one month ago and he revealed that he received a hilarious text message from another former Mr. TNT winner, Boston Bruins forward Brad Marchand, celebrating the big win.

"It was quite a moment," began Cooper. "I texted him after and he said 'Coop, at least we have a trophy Gretzky hasn't won.'"

The Great One had the perfect response to Cooper's joke, asking his co-hosts 'What are you laughing at?' while grinning from ear to ear in response to Cooper's joke... or should I say Brad Marchand's joke.

Either way it was clear that Gretzky wasn't at all offended by the jab that was more of a compliment than anything else, and it helped provide another example of why Cooper was a great choice for Mr. TNT 2024.