Barry Trotz taunts P.K. Subban following his ejection on Sunday.

Barry Trotz taunts P.K. Subban following his ejection on Sunday.

Trotz gets the last laugh.

Jonathan Larivee

The New York Islanders clashed with the New Jersey Devils on Sunday evening and things between the two sides turned ugly in the early stages of the game's second period. When the dust had settled Devils forward Jack Hughes had left the game with an injury and Devils defenseman P.K. Subban had been thrown out of the game by the officials who opted to eject him less than halfway through the game.

Subban was ejected for jumping Islanders forward Oliver Wahlstrom and dropping him with an uppercut after instigating the fight to begin with. The Islanders were not at all pleased with how Subban conducted himself in that exchange, but before they could get any measure of revenge the officials tossed Subban out of the game. Following the game Islanders head coach Barry Trotz would appear to mock Subban when he insinuated that the Devils defenseman was lucky the officials had pulled him out of harm's way.

"He was very fortunate he probably got kicked out of the game," said Trotz.

If you're wondering what Trotz and the Islanders were so upset about, you can watch how the fight between Wahlstrom and Subban went down in the clip below:

It was a hit from Wahlstrom that set off the chain of events that would eventually lead up to the fight, and subsequently Subban's ejection from the game. Wahlstrom caught Devils forward Jack Hughes with a hit along the boards where the legs of both men collided, leaving Hughes shaken up on the play. It was following that hit that Subban would challenge Wahlstrom to a fight and eventually drop him with a stiff uppercut, but the Islanders feel he never allowed Wahlstrom a chance to accept the challenge.

The Islanders are going to have to wait a long time if they want to settle the score, these two teams will not face one another again in this regular season. Neither team is playoff bound either so it won't be until next season, where theoretically both teams could have very different looking rosters.