Anthony Mantha pummels Nick Cousins on Saturday.

Anthony Mantha pummels Nick Cousins on Saturday.

Capitals veteran Anthony Mantha took a slash from Panthers forward Nick Cousins, but he made Cousins pay.

Jonathan Larivee

Florida Panthers forward Nick Cousins may have bit off more than he could chew.

On Saturday night, Cousins provoked the ire of Washington Capitals forward Anthony Mantha roughly midway through the second period, resulting in Mantha making short work of Cousins.

It would be Cousins that would provoke the altercation when he would take a whack at Mantha with his stick, with the bigger Mantha immediately seeking a measure of revenge. Mantha would quickly drop his gloves and begin pummeling Cousins who, outside of one weak-looking punch to start the fight, offered no offense of his own in response to Mantha.

Cousins instead would quickly turtle to avoid taking more damage from Mantha than was absolutely necessary, living up to the negative reputation he is quickly earning himself around the National Hockey League. Cousins has repeatedly been called out as a dirty player who tends to turtle when it comes time to answer the bell, and this certainly won't do anything to improve that reputation.